愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)

Judy Lin


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We are a group of amateur musicians who share a deep longing to worship God. 愛的凱歌 is our invitation to our listeners. As you listen to the songs performed on this podcast, let us trust, contemplate, love, worship, serve, and exalt God together. Hallowed be His name! The songs included in this program are mostly contemporary Christian worship songs from North America [the United States; the English-speaking world]. The translation of lyrics from English to Chinese and the instrumental arrangement of each song are completed by two members of our team. Our presentation of these songs employs instrumental ensembles with voice or instrumental ensembles alone. May the music presented in 愛的凱歌 nurture our lives and foster our spiritual growth, and lead us to union with the One we love! 一群業餘的愛樂者,同時也是單純渴慕以音樂來敬拜上帝的基督徒,藉由「愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)」這個平台,邀請您一同來聆聽詩歌,齊來信靠、仰望、愛慕、敬拜、服侍與尊榮上帝。願人都「尊祂的名為聖」。 節目中選取的詩歌多為當代基督教英文詩歌。歌詞的中文翻譯與樂譜的製作分別由團隊中的兩位成員協助完成。我們將以人聲與樂器,或純樂器演奏方式來呈現這些詩歌。 盼望「愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)」--藉由詩歌敬拜--能成為彼此生命與靈性的成長;更要緊的,使我們與所愛慕的那位,合而為一。

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